Sunday, January 3, 2010

i am sick AGAIN. this is a really good way to end the year and start a new year. i had to stay in bed / house for the whole day again. not fair. not fair. this time i had acute gastroenteritis with diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. very good. pain like hell. i nearly died. i self medicate, did not visit the doctor. i shall be my own doctor first.
what will be next ? UTI or conjunctivitis?? ergh! when will this end. i shall eat bread from now on. see what will happen without any oil in my food.

new year, new life. this year will be a nerd year. i shall study hard for semester 9 and pass it nicely. then pass semester 10 and i'll be done with IMU. i'll be so happy then. i shall go to Korea, Aussie, Japan...and more to be planned.

i dont know what to do with my life to make it happier now. its so dull and filled with infections!!!!