Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Big Mac Chant

"two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce,cheese pickles, onions on a sesame seed buN!"

buy any mc value meal and get a coupon to do the big mac chant in 4 seconds and WIN a FREE big mac! haha....sounds so tempting right... the funny thing was me and chris practise for a while then we decided to go and try our luck..

guess what....haha..its only from 3pm till 8pm.... we were too late...

guess what again...we bought just nuggets but the nice lady working there gave us like 9 of those coupons for freee.. weee!

i'm so gonna try to get a big mac for free soon... just that i'm kinda busy studying....but i'm determine i'll win a few big macs!! haha...since chris doesn't eat beef...HAHAHA....his will be mine TOO! *evil laughs*

wish me lucK! haha

much love...