Monday, November 12, 2007

21st birthday party

Finally.....i turn 21 on 9th nov 07! =) had a party in KL with 45 friends was a jazz restaurant and bar called cotton club.. buffet dinner was served downstairs in the restaurant then we went upstairs for cake, wine and mocktails... i really had a great time there...i hope my friends did too...hee! anyway... i just wanna thank all the people who came for making my party a great one....and also for the nice nice nice presents!! i really love all of them... got 2 pooh bears! heee! =P

here are some pictures i took that night....

with my bibi...the old but cute bear of mine... this dress was tailor made...make me look kinda fat....but who cares! its my BIG day...heee!

me and chris in the restaurant waiting for my friends to arrive...went early to put up the banner ! =)

Me and chitra! she was the first ! haha....really very punctual! she'll be a good doctor next time! hee!

Me and Chris....his shirt looks like the bacakground! haha....he wore contact lens just for me...but too gave him migraine!

Ambiga and chitra...i just bring them upstairs to have a look since only 2 of them was there earlyyy

swarna, ling wei , me , vivian, fiona, future pretty lovely doctors....

noris, lieo jiun, me and jeremyy....the 3 naughty ones in M106

Julie and mei ling!!!! my ex classmates.....julie looks so so cUTE! mei ling is so prettY! !!!hahaha

Sophie and Jarance! the lovely couple of the night! both wear yellow....sophie's fave shweeettttt!

Ming wei and jude! thanks for the flowers! purple and pink!

his buddies....

AHH at best friend in IMU....the SEXY diana patricK! hahahaa.....

Alvin and aaron.....always get bullied by me and diana! ahahha

Dinner with IMU friends! so many of them....can't name all....thanks for cominG

jamie,nicky, me, kher-yin, diana! the lovely PM15 girls! hexangels....miss park ji youn is in korea.....i miss U!

ling wei, swarna, fiona , me........PBL mates in sem 2! that was the best PBl group ever!

p6 + ryn - huey ting.....who came so so late....hahaha.....MY HOT girlfriends!

the ever so cute so funny so sweet so pretty fave girlfriend of mine....loh jen-li

wuen yar ......the bubbly partner in talking crap....

 IMU best friends! chitra, diana NOMA, me, diana PATRICK, ambiga

aHHH!! chicken chicken!!!!someone wore so sexy that night haa.....try to kiss my friends some more...haaahaaaa..... please dont be so attractive! my cutie chicken

NOma! it was her bday too....same daY! heee!

PM15 girls.....jamie looks so scared....

David, ellice, kajen, yee yoon and de juN!the upstairss
with nicky....the girl who i can't use one word to describe her....she's just too nice to everyone....

jamie dear......*muacckks* u look so pretty!....and thanks for the contact lenses u gave me long time ago.....hee!

birthday cake!.....chocolate fudge from suanson, bangsar...its really nice....yum yum...

my hexangels!!!

IMU friends with my birthday cake....can't see everyone though....

me and deep discussion on what to pose! hahaha....just joking...=P

naomi looks stunned! so funnyyy


with the mocktails....i think its called strawberry something....can't remember....but taste good though!

high school friends .....

jamie......sorry,,,,so late only get u the red wine! hahaha....cheerrs!! dunno what this chicken laughing at!

bleekkk...i dunno y i did that....haha...anyway...nicky looks so happy!

enjoying our drinks!

us the big white sofa

partying....jiun trying to pulll kajen out of the picture! haaa

jocelyn! muacckks!

wy so HOT in this pic! haaahhaaa..

jeline.....the fairest girl!

thanks for buying the key for my parents didn't get me one! heehhee...its really nice.....

the ever so crazy bubbly mad piggy friends of last huey ting appear at my party.....

lurrvee them to bits!

4 of used to be 6.......wai keey always MIA.....ji youn in korea.....sadzzz ...

nicky, me and the bannner

jamie , pooh bear and me

pooh kiss kher-yin....can't stand her attractiveness

me and ling wei....the violin player!
yee yoooN!!! super smart girl!!!
having fuNN!!!
the best ending of the party....when everyone left....chris played the piano.....i was super shocked.....he don't know how to play the piano! but guess what....he learnt it two months ago to play me a song on my 21st...wonder how he did it? he spent almost RM2000 on this! he went to this music school called play by shweett! hee! i'm super happyy.....anyway....he played paul anka - i don't like to sleep alone....the lyrics is really nice and touching....i love this sonG!

look....he really play so seriously....while i'm just camwhoring there...heee!!!

yay!!!! he completed the nice...*muacckkss

will post about the presents later.......can't wait....the best present was of course from my mummmY!!! heee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!