Thursday, September 20, 2007

wisdom tooth

two of them are out. two coming out. weird.i don't feel any pain! my sister was practically living on painkilers when hers was coming out. my mum's theory of it is that i drink damn a LOT of milk when i was young. i don't know whats the link. hahaha. but seriously i Did drink damn a lot of milk when i was young. however, now i hate IT.okay, back to the topic. i think i need to put braces soon. i thought after sem 5 i'll do it. my bunny teeth is so obvious now. because there's no place for the dumbass new teeth to come out.YES thats my theorY! hahaha. its really true wasn't like that last time. getting more and more obvious. but my mum say now all the girls got straight teeth, yours is natural,so let it be. natural i agree but U.G.L.Y! i don't wanna put now as my 21st birthday is coming soon. don't wanna be that metal teeth girl on my 21sT! hahaha..silly and vain.. i know. what to do,thats me! hehe. i think i should think twice on this braces thingy. found this new thing that is called ceramic braces. its transparent with white wire. so can't really see from far.i think i'll use that if that is i decide to put on braces! but up till now its just a thing i'm considering!