shit. my blood glucose level first reading was 6.3 ,second was 6.1! fasting blood glucose normal range is 3.6 - 6.0! people my age should be around 4. wth. didn't really check my bllod glucose. until one morning i went to uni and we learn how to take blood glucose. i haven't eaten anything before that so its fasting blood glucose. 6.3! freaking sky high! everyone was 3 or 4 only. damn. i was like the odd one out. i didn't believe the reading. the next morning, i use my dad's glucometer and test. fasting also. 6.1! AHHHHHHH!!! this is called the pre diabetic stage. have to go for this OGTT(oral glucose tolerance test) . just learn this during lecture today.
Solution : sugar-free diet! no chocolates, no sweets, no doughnuts, no soft drinks, cut down my rice/ mee
result : 4.7! ahahaha. after my one day of very stressful sugar-free diet okay.
people who knows me well will know how difficult it is for me. i eat sweets all the time. chocolate also. what to do, my house everyone also don't eat those. so to prevent wasting, it all goes into my tummy. teehee. i've tried eating like 7 krispy kreme doughnuts a day plus my normal meals!
those were the days.
now, i'm seriously going to cut down all those. i have to resist all the temptations. but i know i can't. shit. i've never go through any diet at all! not even to lose weight okay. now i have to go on a diet for my health when i'm still so young. i love to eat. thats my biggest problem!
blame it on the super long diabetes history in my family. almost all my aunty and uncles from my dad's side has diabetes.
please don't blame me if i'm easily irritable or angry. thats because i have to cut all my lovely food out of my life. its not easy. and i easily fall into the temptation of food.
i need a really strong will power in order to do so.
i'm trying my very best.