Monday, June 22, 2009

hong kong goodies

my sister went to hong kong for her company trip and helped me to buy these babies. She bought a lot more small pooh things but i was lazy to take a picture of it. they are really expensive babies * heartache*. anyway they are so so cute.

the both of them cost me RM250, if it is a bear in malaysia WOC, it'll cost around say RM150??

this one is really sweet, i love the pink shoes and the fur was really soft, its all worth it...

this bear is very unique, don't judge it by its look. it has this bell in it that makes a very unique noise. its not liek the normal noisybell. somehow it sounds very very soothing. i don't know why.

and my pair of new birkens!!!

its black...i love it! so comfortable.. u are going with me to taiwan!
much love!