Saturday, December 6, 2008


Staying in Seremban seriously made me put on so much of weight which i didn't even notice. everyone around me keep telling me and teasing me about it. it makes me feel even more cautious about my weight. since young, hardly anyone will tease me for being fat because i was so thin like a stick. My weight has been increasing but NEVER decrease in anytime of my life at all! BUT i wasn't fat till now.

all i can say is, "i feel fat, but i feel hungry even more"

it is actually due to the amount of outside food and fast food i ate all the time in seremban. even though i used to eat KFC every week last time, that was without other fast food or outside food. i've always love home cooked food that is why i'm always eating at home. of course, KFC was an exception. =P

i must lose weight!

I MUST lose weight!


how can that be possible when my exams are just around the corner? i'll eat without noticing when i'm studying!, i've never gone on a DIET before... i need help, i don't have the will power or experience to do that.. Losing weight has never came into my life till today..

i feel fat...a fat fatty girl....

not loved!