Monday, October 29, 2007

surprise flowers from the loved one

he sent me flowers on the 18th of oct.. i know its like so long ago already...i was too busy with everything thAT i didn't really have the time to blog.. was so lazy too... anyway here are some pictures of it.. even though i don't really like flowers,however i felt so touched when he sent it! he order it online and the man came and deliver the flowers to my house. i was so shocked because i was sleeping and i woke up looking like some aunty! the best thing was, my aunty said that there's someone outside wnana deliver some furniture to me! hahaha...i was thinking ..i didn't even buy anything!

after i collected the flowers, i took a few pictures of it! heehee... this is actually the first time he sent me such a big bunch of flowers. usually he'll just buy one stalk because he knows i don't like flowers.. my theory of hating flowers is that it'll die off... i don't like it.. i prefer him to buy a "thing" that won't die off, so that i can keep forever..

however, i can't deny it that that bunch of flowers really made my daY! and it was purple and piNK! fav colours...heeheee...